Raimundo "Ray" Tempio is a fictional character, portrayed by Christopher Walken, in the movie Abel Ferrara's The Funeral, written and created by Nicholas St. John.
Ray Tempio portrayed as a cold and calcutaing Italian-American gangster. He has two brothers, Cesarino "Chez" (Chris Penn) and Giovanni "Johnny" (Vincent Gallo). Johnny is a Communist and he's murdered one day. Tempio family thinks he's murdered by gangster Gaspare Spoglia (Benicio del Toro). Ray is married man, his wife is Jeanette "Jean", which opposes the campaign of retribution and the violence it will bring about the revenge by Tempio family.
Christopher Walken, which portrayed character, also worked with Chris Penn in the movie At Close Range, which he also portrays a gangster. Walken worked with Benicio del Toro twice except this film: Basquiat and Excess Baggage.